Maintenance Support Services Charges
Maintenance Department Review (MDR)
1-349 Homeowners- $300.00 // Over 350 Homeowners- $500.00
The maintenance operation of the property will be reviewed. Essential components of the maintenance operations, including inventory, maintenance of equipment, development of an operation manual, and integration of the department into the community's emergency plan, will be evaluated.
A report will be provided to the Board of Directors at the end of the review. Much of the information concerning this service will be dependent on the information provided by your manager. We may be unable to verify the integrity of the information without a site visit.
This charge includes scheduling a 30-minute Zoom call with your current manager or maintenance supervisor. If the Zoom call exceeds 30 minutes, an additional $200.00 per hour will be charged in 30-minute increments.
Maintenance and Contract Support Packet (MCSP)
The Maintenance Department Support Packet (MSSP) includes a draft of an Inspection-Exterior, Inspection-Interior, Calendar-Schedule, Leak Response Guidelines, and an Access & Security Profile (ASP). The amendment of the documents provided in the MCSP packet to be specific to your property will be your manager's responsibility.
For an additional charge of $350.00, you can choose StrongerHOA to undertake the editing. The Board or Compliance Committee can mark up the original draft, which will be reviewed by StrongerHOA one final time. Additional editions will incur supplementary charges, which must be negotiated before further editing. In addition, guidelines on how to manage contracts are included in this packet.
This charge includes scheduling an uninterrupted 60-minute Zoom call with your current manager or Social Committee Chairperson. If the Zoom call exceeds 60 minutes, an additional $200.00 per hour will be charged in 30-minute increments.