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Property Administration Services Charges

Emergency Plan Support Packet (EPSP)

Number of Units - 0-120/ $350.00   Units -121 – 399/$450.00                  Over400 /$550.00

The Emergency Plan Development packet includes a draft of an Emergency Plan, a checklist for Preparedness/Response /Recovery, and guidelines for the plan.  Your manager will amend the documents provided in the EPDP packet to be specific to your property. For an additional charge, as noted on the schedule of charges, you can choose StrongerHOA to undertake the editing. 
The Board or Compliance Committee can mark up the original draft, which will be reviewed by StrongerHOA one final time. Additional editions will incur supplementary charges, which must be negotiated before further editing. This packet cost includes scheduling an uninterrupted 60-minute Zoom call with your current Manager or Board. If the Zoom call exceeds 60 minutes, an additional $200.00 per hour will be charged in 30-minute increments.


Facility & Amenity Management Support Packet (FAMSP)

1-149  Homeowners- $400.00 // More than 150 Homeowners- $600.00

We will provide a draft of the Clubhouse Use agreement, alcohol use policy, and guest waiver. The amendment of the documents provided in the FAMP packet to be specific to your property will be your manager's responsibility. For an additional charge, you can choose StrongerHOA to undertake the editing.  The Board or Social /Clubhouse Committee can mark up the original draft, which will be reviewed by StrongerHOA one final time. Additional editions will incur supplementary charges, which must be negotiated before further editing. This packet cost includes scheduling an uninterrupted 60-minute Zoom call with your current Manager or Board. If the Zoom call exceeds 60 minutes, an additional $200.00 per hour will be charged in 30-minute increments. The Client’s attorney should review the final documents to ensure they are in accordance with the latest State and Federal statutes.


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